
If you wish to see the Doctor or Practice Nurse please phone the receptionist on 01747 840226. 

Dr Harding has surgeries on: Monday morning.  Tuesday and Thursday mornings and evenings, Friday Morning and Afternoon

Dr. Tamsin Graham: Monday Mornings, Wednesday Mornings and Friday Mornings  (during school term time only)

Monday Evening Surgery at Maiden Bradley Village Hall Dr Neil Harding, 17:00 – 18:00

Practice Nurse Appointments are divided into ‘time zones’. The early morning appointments are reserved for blood tests so that samples may be sent to the Hospital Lab for testing on the same day. Later morning appointments, after 11.30, are for other routine appointments. There are late afternoon and early evening appointments on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Home visits

If you are too ill to attend the surgery and that a home visit from the doctor is necessary, please phone the Surgery before 10.30 am. The Doctor will phone before visiting.

Telephone advice

Messages and queries may be passed on by the Receptionist, 01747 840226.

Practice Nurses are not generally available to receive phone calls but reception staff will pass on messages and requests for advice or information. The Nurses will respond when they are available.

Date published: 8th October, 2014
Date last updated: 12th January, 2023