We would like to thank our Patients who have completed the Friends and Family Test. It has been most encouraging to read your responses. Here are a few of your comments:-
“I was pleased with the all round experience”.
“Friendly, efficient Practice. Usually seen on the day you ring for an appointment. And – small Practice, so Doctor knows you”.
“Having been with this surgery for 30 years, we like the friendly and efficient way the staff and Doctors handle any queries, appointments etc.”
“The Doctors and staff are very pleasant and chatty, which makes you feel at ease. They are helpful towards your problems and explain things clearly. They don’t make you feel like you’re time wasting, no matter how small the problem”.
“Friendly service”.
“GP really listened to my problems and give me a chance to explain the issue, so I was not misdiagnosed”.
“You provide an excellent service”.
“Really helpful and flexible”.
“Very friendly Reception staff who always try to help meet requirements, appointment times etc”.
If you haven’t given your response, please complete one of the cards at reception and place it in the blue box on the counter. Or you can use the online form.